Koden CVS-877D Dýptarmælir
Öflugur 4 tíðna 3Kw Black box dýptarmælir fyrir millistóra og stærri báta.
Möguleikinn á 4 tíðnum gerir kleift að greina betur milli fisktegunda sem leiðir til betri veiðistýringar, eykur aflaverðmæti og minnkar kostnað.
Helstu eiginleikar:
- Öflugur 3 kw sendir
- Black box hönnun fyrir tölvuskjá
- Einfalt stjórnborð sem gerir notkun Hraðvirka og þægilega
- Miklir tengimöguleikar
- Þróuð stafræn myndvinnsla
- 4 tíðnir samtímis
- Flýtiminnistakkar
- Mikið langdrægi
- Botnhörkuútgangur fyrir TimeZero og Olex siglingatölvur
- Ölduleiðrétting frá GPS áttavita
- Tíðni, 38-75 og 130-210 Khz
Model | CVS-877D |
Processor unit | ESM-230 |
Operation unit | ESO-200 |
transducer (Output frequency) |
TDM-052A (38 to 75kHz and 130 to 210kHz) TDM-062A (38 to 75kHz and 85 to 135kHz) |
Selectable frequency range |
24 to 240kHz 0.1kHz step |
Output method | Simultaneous/Alternate |
Display type | Owner supply (XGA compatible output through RGB connector) |
Display ranges | 1 to 3000m, 1 to 2000l.fm (8 ranges can be set to users choice) |
Zoom ranges | 1 to 260m, 1 to 180l.fm |
Range units | m, ft, fm, l.fm |
Presentation modes | High frequency, Low frequency, 1 to 4 frequency, Zoom image (Bottom lock, Bottom discrimination, Bottom zoom, Zoom, Bottom follow zoom), Nav mode, Vertical split, Horizontal split, Mix A-scope can be displayed at all above modes |
Presentation colors | 64 colors, 16 colors, 8 colors, Monochrome |
Back ground colors | Marine blue, Blue,Dark blue, Black, White, Nighttime color, Other 4colors |
Alarms | Bottom, Fish, Temperature*2, Speed*3, Arrival*4, XTE*4 |
Image speed | 12 steps & stop |
Functions | Interference rejection, Color rejection, VRM, Noise reduction,White line, Water temperature correct, Boat speed correct,Store image (500 images), Sona-Tone, Fishing Hot Spot, Event memory, Simple plotter, Panel illumination, Power reduction,External trigger, Detection area display, CM key, Water Temp.graph, Individual range operation, External memory storage (SDcard, USB memory), Heaving compensation |
Auto functions | Range, Shift, TVG, TX Power, White line |
Languages | Japanese, Chinese, English, French, Greek, Italian, Korean, Spanish,Thai |
Input data formats and sentences | NMEA0183 Ver.1.5/2.0/3.0 GGA, GLL, HDT, MTW, MWV, RMC, VHW, VTG, ZDA |
Output data formats and sentences | NMEA 0183 Ver.2.0 (DBT : Ver.1.5) DBT, DPT, GGA, GLL, HDT, MTW, MWV, RMC, TLL, VHW, VTG, ZDA |
NMEA ports | 2 |
Power supply | 21.6 to 31.2VDC |
Power consumption | 50W or less (24VDC) |
Environmental | Operating temperature : -15 to +55℃ Water protection : IPX5 (Operation unit) |